Dads Unfiltered
"Welcome to Dads Unfiltered, the ultimate podcast for pop culture dads. Join us on a geeky journey through midlife and fatherhood, where we decode the levels of being a dad and a man in the language of comics, movies, and all things nerdy. Ready to level up with us?"
Dads Unfiltered
Dad Chats: From Playtime to Advocacy
In this episode, Pete and Chris discuss their experiences as fathers and share funny anecdotes. They talk about the challenges of understanding their young children's communication before they can speak clearly. They also reminisce about their experiences at Fenway Park and their love for baseball. The conversation takes a serious turn when they discuss the protective instinct of fathers and the challenges of dealing with other children's behavior. In this conversation, Chris and Pete discuss the challenges of advocating for their special needs children within the education system. They share personal experiences and frustrations with the lack of support and proper accommodations for their kids. They also touch on the importance of being involved in their children's education and understanding their rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The conversation highlights the need for better funding and resources in schools to meet the needs of all students.
fatherhood, communication, children, baseball, protective instinct, special needs, education system, advocacy, accommodations, individualized education program, IEP, IDEA, free and appropriate public education, FAPE, funding, parental involvement
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